A downloadable mod


This mod merges    Yuti's mod and Overkill  2 mod.

Warning : this mod is not updated (yet) and is not compatible with the 1.2.x versions of didnapper 2.

If you want to play with both mod, install this mod instead of combining both mods through the mod manager.

[Warning: This combination mod has been known, in some cases, to cause new bugs and issues not found in either of the standalone mods. When you encounter a bug using this combination mod and are seeking assistance for it, please specify that you are using the combination.]

Yuti's mod page

KombatWombat's Overkill 2 mod page    (If you want to support  Overkill 2, or get the newest version, you can get it  here!)

Didnapper 2 (DID Games) is available on   Itch.io    and   Steam. (Mod will not work on the Demo version)

This mod must be used on the 1.1.2 version of Didnapper 2


Current version of the mod  : 1.0.9
Which includes :

  • Yuti's mod : 1.0.3
  • KombatWombat's Overkill 2 mod :  0.8.4

Additional information

If you find a bug, please report it to the appropriate mod author (you can check the mod's pages to see from where a content comes from).

If a bug does not happening in this merge does not happens in the standalone release of one of the mods, please report to Yuti.

About compatibility,  it's the same thing   than Overkill (check the mod's page to know what mods are compatible or not).

Of course, during the installation, if you pick this mod among the patches, you should not also pick standalones version of Yuti or Overkill mods.

CategoryGame mod
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(13 total ratings)
AuthorsYuti35, KombatWombat
Tagsbdsm, bondage, did, didnapper2, kombatwombat, mod, overkill2, yuti
Average sessionA few seconds


YutiOverkillMerge-1.0.9.zip 254 MB

Install instructions

To install a mod on didnapper 2, you can use    this tutorial

You need to extract the mod archive as a folder in  the "mods/patches" folder of your game.

Of course, during the installation, if you pick this mod among the patches, you should not also pick standalones version of Yuti or Overkill mods.


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Everytime I try to strat the game it takes a long time to load on a black screen, only to get the error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read 'isActor' of undefined.


This mod is not maintened anymore. But now you can just install Yuti's mod + Overkill mod  (standalones versions) togther when creating the install . When applying the patches, you need to select Yuti's mod first and then overkill.

(1 edit)

not everyrhing works tho. sometimes teh pc is not visable while strugling

Hello, just asking. Will this combined mod pack be always updated to the latest version of both mods?


It's planned, but not for very soon. I still haven't finished to update my mod to the latest updates of the games yet on my side.

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So I assume, it will definitely be up to date for both mods when both Dev teams are done with the finalised version for the mods? Also, if one team finishes the final stage of the mod before the other one then would the remaining team update the combined mod pack? So if for example, Yuti's mod finishes first, would this combined mod pack be updated everytime Overkill gets updated?

Usually I'm the one updating this mod. But yeah, when my mod will be stable enough, I think I'll try to update the combined mod each times overkill updates.

Thanks for your replies!

how do you unlock the ac items in the private cells?

as in using the ac items for all captives in the cells?

In this version of the mod, only few characters have special  items (aden, seles I think) but not the others.

So you do not unlock them, it's already here

the introduction to the camp isnt showing when ive beaten elize (1.1.2)


Are you using the steam version or itch version ?

Is the name of the mod displayed in the main menu ?

itch. its not displayed in the main menu. i also posted this on the yutis mod page as well.

(1 edit)

Whens the next merge update? Or are we waiting for the Truth update?

As Truth will be released pretty soon, I'm not sure it would be really worth the make an update before. But I'll  see if I find time to do it beforte or not.


i hate to ask this but do you have any idea when youll be able to update this i dont ever play overkill or yuti standalone due to my modding habits (feel free to disregard my message if you would like im only hoping to see if you are still able to update it)



This mod is not upated to be compatible with the latest version of overkill yet.

how i can do?

hi how i can use this mod with new version of overkill

does the playtest mode thing from overkill still work in this combination?


Can you update this mod? thanks

Freezes when I try to load the mod.  After I click the 'Finish' button but before asking for the mod name.  Doesn't create a folder in the installs directory at all.  Tried reinstalling everything, letting it run overnight, no use.  Versions 1.08 and 1.07 have the issue but 1.06 does not.

Could you try to check if that also happens with Overkill mod and/or Yuti's mod standalones ?

Neither standalone Overkill nor Yuti's mod have the issue

I just started a game on the most recent version and am having an issue where enemies keep using subdue on seles before she is at the 15% health threshold. It's happening fighting the male/female pirates together on the ship right at the start (didn't happen in the fights before that).

Don't know if I missed an added mod mechanic somewhere that explains this but it's pretty rough when you only have 1 character.

(1 edit) (+1)

It looks like something related to Overkill.
If you could post this on their mod's page they can provide you better assistance with this issue.

Thanks. Sorry for posting in the wrong place.

No worries!


The game freezes when I hit ADD in the mod list, is this a known problem?


actually please forgive me it did not freeze it just loads very slowly. For anyone's future reference it took my PC an hour to add the mod and it is not a bug

overkill 0.8.1 has been released, will this mod be updated?

(2 edits) (+2)

Yes! It has been  updated to include Overkill 0.8.1 now :)

do either of these mods add a tape gag? that's honestly what I want the most

Idk if I'm the only one having this problem but everytime i try to start the game, it's just a black screen. Please i need help with this

If you're on Steam, delete the whole game manually (without Steam, by going into the files on your PC). Then re-install it through steam, then the mod, and it should work.

I already tried that several times but it never worked. Also, i forgot to mention that sometimes the Ovekill loading screen (the one at the start) loads and works normally but after it disappears, i just get black screen.

If you could join the DID Games discord server and then send me a DM, I can have a better look at this :) (by checking your logs).

is there any changelog?  

There is a README file with the changelog of my mod (Yuti's mod).
For overkill version, I think you can find it by installing their mod as standalone (the "version" file, because in the combination mod it's erased by information about the current state of the mod)

i think i got a "bug" because when i finished instal the mod i only have the yuti's mod working and seems the overkill not working or maybe i am missing someting ( i used a story finished save btw)

Do you have the option to practise escape with Chelsea in the camp, when you talk to her?
Do the textboxes (when characters talk) looks different from the base game?

No i dont have the practise with Chelsea and the textboxes are the same as the base game.
The overkill work when i instal it alone but with the merge mod only one is working

I'm having the same problem. Made sure I wasn't just being impatient and let it do it's thing overnight, still nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hello. When you hit "Finish",   it's making a whole copy of the game, so it can take a while, depending on the PC. But if after 5-10 minutes it's still freezing, there might be an issue with the game's files. Are you using the Steam version of the game?

Just worked actually lol. Just reinstalled the game and mod. Thank you.

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I'm having some trouble getting the mod to install. Everything seems to be working until I hit "finish" on the mods page. the game doesn't let me name the mod and save like instructions suggest, instead is just freezes with the music still playing. Nothing is added to the mods folder. In order to get the game to function again i need to delete the mod and reinstall it. I have the current version of the game and mod.

Hello. When you hit "Finish",   it's making a whole copy of the game, so it can take a while, depending on the PC. But if after 5-10 minutes it's still freezing, there might be an issue with the game's files. Are you using the Steam version of the game?

I figured it out. The current version of the mod wasn't working. I downloaded 1.6 and it was fine. 

When is the next update for this mod coming?

Now :)

Are you going to update mod? i wish to have more ladies in trophy hall, like that pirate girl. Great work btw

Yeah there will be more updates in the future.

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I have 1.0.4, i encountered a soft lock. In the tent at the top of the camp and pull the add ally lever it adds rinie to your party. If you go do the special quest for the fortune teller with her in your party it soft locks after escape saying (i won't leave anyone behind.) When you try to leave

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I think this bug is related to overkill.
The overkill mod is still i na WIP state, so this kind of things    may happens.

Alright, thank you for the response. I was just pointing out a bug i found.

How do I get the mod to actually run?

There is a tutorial about how to install mods   at the bottom of the page.

Oh, thank you for the help!

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If I completed sidequset "Bounty Hunter Beginnings" before installing the mod, how do I complete it again?

can you put her in the casino?

Otherwise, I need to open a new save file to catch her...that's too tired...

Is there any possible way to transfer my saved file from the original Yuti's mod to this combination? I recently finished the entire game (side quests, ancient fabrics, etc) and would rather just add the overkill on top of that instead of having to repeat the entire game all over again. Any help would be appreciated!

I think a save from Yuti's mod will be compatible with this combination mod.

you'll need to find your www/save or Didnapper 2/save folder, located within the game files. Copy everything in that folder (from your original Yuti's Mod install) to the new install of the combination mod's www/save folder.

Deleted 1 year ago