Update 1.2.0 : Truth compatibility
Didnapper 2 - Yuti's mod » Devlog

The mod is now compatible with the latest version of didnapper 2!
- Truth update compatibility.
- Added Bandit outfit for Liliana. Reward of "The most wanted girl" quest.
- Added new skills and special effects for the Bandit outfit.
- Adapted Keron gameover scene and Paige Turner and Carol dialogs if the Bandit outfit is worn by Liliana.
- Updated all mod's side-quests.
- Added the "Slave Marathon" at the camp.
- Added new side-quests alternatives choices.
- Removed the alternatives choices during "The Scoop" and "Out of tune 3".
- Removed the "advanced escape training" from the mod (as the default escape training is enough now).
- Added more compatible slaves for the market (~60 slaves can be captured, in the world, in the casino or with the Marathon)
- Reworked all the camp's events (from the mod) to be compatible with any party leader.
- Added accessories, new outfits, new gags and new bindings for the private cell (for party members).
- Adapted the "paige lead" and "didnapper" side-quests to be consistent with the "Most wanted girl" side-quest from the mod.
- Adapted encounters with Hope to be consistent with the "Find Hope!" side-quest.
- Added more newspaper's headlines related to the mod.
- Rebalanced some fights from the mod.
- Added a way to replay the mod's introduction scene.
- Added something to prevent player to leave the camp if allies are for sale or sold.
- Rebalanced slave's prices and decreased the required amount of tokens to buy a slave at the casino to 10.
- Added the "surrender" option after wining or losing a practice fight.
Use an old modded save file
You can use and old modded save file from Yuti's mod (just make sure to save in a normal map from the base game, like the camp). It will be automatically be updated to the "Truth"(1.2.2) update of the main game and the 1.2.0 versionof the mod.
However, if you want to play on a save where you already progressed on the "Truth" update, you cannot import and old progression from the mod.
If you never played the mod, don't worry about that. Just install the mod, and it will use your latest save file :)
YutiMod-1.2.0.zip 25 MB
Jul 24, 2024
Get Didnapper 2 - Yuti's mod
Didnapper 2 - Yuti's mod
A mod adding new side-quests, trophy hall, private cell, kidnapping and trading to didnapper 2
More posts
- Update 1.2.2 - Compatibility with D2 v1.2.4Oct 10, 2024
- Update 1.2.1 - Compatibility with D2 v1.2.3Aug 03, 2024
- PlaythroughJun 03, 2024
- Update 1.1.0 : Bandit's outfit !May 31, 2024
- Overkill 2 compatibilityJun 25, 2023
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