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The mod is fantastic! but how do you get the alt choice for Diamonds are forever I'm trying to collect them all.

Thank you very much !
The choice in "Diamonds are forever" is connected to an easter egg from the main game during this quest. You need to let your friend be locked in jail, go rescue her and fight the ninja. When he's low life, you can subdue him ! And with the mod, it let you the choice to take him to the camp. To be able to capture him, I don't remember exactly if you have to fight him immediatly, or let yourself be captured and try to escape then.


I can't answer you directly so I'll answer you here 





The latest version of the mod is only compatible with the latest version of the game (1.2.4). You need to update your game.

When entering the camp the path that goes to the new area is blocked by barrels and when I approach the character gets stuck

and I would like to ask for help with that issue



- Are you using the latest version of the game (1.2.4) ?
- Are you using the latest version of the mod (1.2.2) ?
- Are you trying to combine the mod with other mods ?
- Have you followed all the required steps to create a modded install with the mod ?

Love this mod! Will there be another update soon? Because it would be nice to have Shiori join the Trophy Hall.


Hello ! Thank you very much :)
Yes, there will be more updates ! Not super soon (mainly because I don't really have time to work on it right now) but I have lot of ideas and things I want to add.
The next update planned will add a side-quest to capture Shiori :) and will also includes a new type of monster !

Oooo, that sounds fun. If I might propose an idea, and I am by no means expecting this to become a thing, but maybe a future update where we can recruit Leeroy or the Crimson Scar to help with kidnapping criminals? Allow some automation while players are running around doing side-content; the player still needs to play an active role in selling the criminals.

I've noticed that with the update to 1.2.4 when I remove Yuti mod (to play either completely vanilla or Overkill only) the newspaper stand breaks and only shows "Adoptions Wanted", "Mad scientist" and "A Tale of Two Cities" newspapers.  

Is this an known and unavoidable bug once you have a saved with Yuti's mod enabled?

Are you trying to play with the modded save on vanilla ?


I'm trying to play without with only Overkill installed after playing with Overkill and Yuti. 

(tested vanilla to help narrow down cause of the bug)

(1 edit) (+1)

I see,
Well, the issue is that you're trying to play with a save containing mod's information without the mod loaded, so it might cause issues like that.

Love the mod, really appreciate the hard work.

Wanted to toss out a suggestion, would be great if Carol and Evelyn could be sold at the market and rescued the way you can do to your party members.

Hello! The mod tells me that it can't load some .png images, and i found out in the folders that those images are in .rpgmvp extensions and such, and thus it can't read them. What can i do?

(2 edits)

Are you using the latest version of the game ? (1.2.4)
Are you trying to use other mods ?
Have you followed the installations steps (which result in the creation of a new fodler with the modded game in mods/installs) ?
If you go in a the www/img/characters folder,  do you see .png images or .rpgmvp files ?

(2 edits)

Hello again!

I'm using 1.2.3, and i followed the steps that led to the creation of mods/installs, indeed. (Yuti's 1.2.1 only, no other mods added)

What i see in www/img/characters is that i can guess that every image from the base game has .png extensions, except the images from the mod, which has the .rpgmvp extension.

Example:  $DIDOverlaySeles.png, and  $DIDOverlaySelesBandit.rpgmvp

It looks like you're using a pirated version of the game.
I do not provide help in this case.
Please support and respect the hard work of the developers.

Love your mod!  I've been playing it recently with the Overkill mod.

I've been tweaking some of the characters' conversations, particularly in the Private Cell.  Mostly just typos and a few grammatical errors.  Would you be interested in some feedback, and suggested corrections or improvements?

(1 edit)

Thank you ! And of course, I'm interested about the corrections and improvments :)
Are you on the DID Games discord server ?

where do you find the 'diamonds are forever' sidequest?

You need to go back to the Rebel base in Katoshi's islands (after completing the related chapter) and talk to Chelsea's uncle.

(3 edits)

Hello, does anyone know how/where to be exactly to encounter kidnap option on crc researcher? I'm try to replay the epilogue act 4 - under the center but cannot see any option

Nvm i got it, wrong eps of act 4 😅

Sorry, but I just finished the game, beat elize, but when I go to the camp there are still people there and when I go to the barrels at the bottom it just freezes, what should I do to fix this?

Hello! What version of the game are you using ?

Didnapper 1.2.1, also do you know if I can transfer my save over to 1,2,3?

You need to use 1.2.3 to be compatible with the mod.
To transfer tyour saves, you just need to copy/paste the files from the www/saves folder.

Is there any way to check that the mod has been installed correctly when you are running a fresh save?, The guide is missing any slavery sections, do they get introduced post endgame?

Yeah, you won't see the section is the guide until post main game.
Everything unlocks after the introduction of the extended camp, after chapter 15 is completed.

how to active notalking(part 2)?

complete no talking part 1

and defeat elize. the guy you need to talk to is just beyond the castle gate, where you go into the castle during the final chapter.

is there plans to fill up the trophy hall completely? there are still quite a good number of cells left...maybe with characters who dont get interrogated but have an bound talking sprite like dr. bunt?

(2 edits)

There is indeed plans to fill the trophy hall with future updates.
One cell is reserved for Shiori, and the other ones for  another character and then OC which will appear in the story extension I'm planning for way later.

Bunt is unfortunatly not on the list. Also interrogations require specific assets most of characters (like Bunt) do not have.

Is it possible to put Shiori in the trophy hall considering that she was interrogated?

That's planned for a future update which will includes a specific side-quest to catch her.

dose this work with the beta versions or only the downloads her

You need the latest didnapper 2 1.2.2 version.

If you bought the game on itch you can download the latest version here. On steam it's updated automatically.

Hi, I'm so happy to see the update! Can you please tell me what about overkill compatibility?

The mod is not compatible with overkill.
The mod merging yuti+overkill is outdated for now, but it will eventually be updated at some point.

Thank you very much, I will wait no matter how long it takes~

just to be clear, I shouldn't use the mod before finishing chapter 15 or the content of the mod won't show up before chapter 15?

You can install and use the mod even if you haven't finished chapter 15 yet (it will just do nothing special). The content of the mod won't show up before the end of chapter 15.

Sorry, side question. You mentioned there are other mods published but I can only find this Yuti Mod and Overkill Mod. May I know the names of the other mods and where to find them exactly? Thank you!


All the mods have a dedicated channel in the DID Games discord (I believe some are not posted on itch).

Oh, I see. Thanks!

I'm looking forward to playing this mod, do you know if a modded save made in 1.12 didnapper will be able to be used in 1.2 modded didnapper when the update to the mod is eventually released?

Yes it should be compatible ! But you will loose progress on the Truth update (if you already played it). I'm also gonna  try to make something to import a modded save data into a Truth save.

Deleted 208 days ago

Are you using the latest version of the game ? (1.2.1).
As stated in the mod's page, the mod is not compatible yet with the latest didnapper 2 update. Currently, if you want to play the mod, you'll have to downgrade the main game to (1.1.2). But the mod's update should be released in few weeks.

Deleted 208 days ago

What is your version of the game, exactly ? It should be displayed on the game's window

Deleted 208 days ago

As mentionned in the mod's page, it's not updated to 1.2.x yet.

(1 edit)

Hello, Do you know why the sidequest A damsel in need and Bounty Hunter Beginning can't be undo?

(1 edit)

Sorry, I've missed your message.
This is because this a series  of quests which are linked together. To undo these ones, you have to undo the latest one before. So, first, cancel the last "Bounty Hunter" quest, then, "the begining" one and then "A damsel in need".

Ohhh it works thanks a lot!, can't wait to play the updated mod and hope you stay healthy

You're welcome, and thank you ! :)

The mod was quite entertaining, adding the sale of slaves 
was a very good idea, it serves as a dark route

Thank you ! :)

Hi, ive just beaten elize (V1.1.2) and ive gone to the camp but the intro isnt starting

I am using yuti + Overkill


Are you using the steam version or itch version ?

Is the name of the mod displayed in the main menu ?


i dont see the name of the mod on the main menu.

it also says something about using a update on 'NW.js', whatever that is.

Could you try to install any other mod (overkill for example) and tell me if it works or not ?

i sorted it. it turns out i didnt add a file with the mod. i just extracted the file straght into patches.

it's giving me a reference error that says slaveAlly error.

I tested with the other mods it's only this one that's causing the error anytime you enter into combat. I've tried uninstalling and re-stalling the game 

I've tried redownloading the mod but it happens every time.

You're probably using the latest version of didnapper (1.2.0) and, as mentionned in the mod's page, it's not compatible with 1.2.0 yet.

oh I understand now okay. is there any plans of making the mod compatible?

Yeah, I'm just waiting a bit, because bugs are fixed everyday on the main game, as the truh update has just been released   on sunday. So I may start working on the compatibility update in few days. But there are lot of things to do and adapt, as the Truth update changed a lot of things. So it may take a while.

understandable take your time! thank you for your help 

hello i've installed the mod correctly, but when i go to the camp i can't trigger the scene :c 

(1 edit)

Hello !
Are you using the 1.1.2 of the game ?
Are you using the Steam version or version ?
After the installation, are you sure you're launching the game from mods/installs/TheNameYouUsedForInstall/Game.exe ?

Also, all the content of the mod is only available once you completed the main quest (after beating Elize). Is it the case on your save file ?

Well yes the version of the game is the 1.1.2 and i already completed the main quest.

Uhmm the only difference is that i'm using a file that a friend of mine passed to me, i did not download from steam or from itch....but still the game recognize the folder of the mod when i put in "folder" and when i click on "finish" it creates a modded version of the game but when i go in the installs the game is not named "game.exe"

I'm not sure to understand. If you didn't bought the game on steam or itch and your friend gave you the file,  it looks you got a pirated version of the game.

yeah...but you know what, the game is pretty amazing, so i will buy a normal copy of the game and i will try to install the mod again ^^

That's good to hear :)
I'll be happy to help you if you still have troubles installing the mod on your copy.
I would suggest buying it on because I noticed sometimes Steam may mess up files between two updates which require to reinstall the whole game to make mods working (not hard, but anoying).

Can I install this mod with MacOS? I ask because I don't quite understand how to do it, and I wanted to see if it's more related to the operating system

Unfortunatly, I don't use MacOS so I don't know :/
On the didnapper discord, it has been suggested that it could maybe work by installing the mods on another system (windows or linux) which will give you a whole new folder with a modded version of the game, and then import it on your computer.

hi how i can kidnap the noble girls on quest Rainbow tinted?

(1 edit)

For now, they're only available in the casino (the "Special  prize" you  can  claim with enough tokens)

Yuti thanks for good mods bro

Yuti can i apply mods on my steam deck?

I installed didnapper 2 on my steamdeck

I donT know how to apply mods on steam deck

Should i clear didnapper 2 first and paste mod files on steamdeck?

I'm not sure how the steam deck worsk, but if you can access the game's files, I guess it will work as for a PC, and so the installation tutorial should be the same.

So this is the last version or maybe have another

There is plans for future updates and new content :)

Does this mod offer nudity at all, or is it still in line with the SFW nature of the original game?

No, it's still in line with the SFW nature of the game, so no nudity.

Ah... that sucks, but still, good job on the mod!


Is there costumes like in the Didnapper? Like the bride dress, princess dress or the bunny girl costume?

There are different outfits for each character in the base game, yeah.

Hello Yuti, I really want to do something with the six poles. Maybe I could pick up my teammates and tie them up here. LOL!  Or maybe we could add another two poles  nearby so that I could tie Carol and Evelyn here too. 

can you update the compatability with overkill two pretty please?


I'm quite busy these days, but I'll do that at some point, yeah.

oh okay, take your time, and keep up the great work you do

Thank you :)

(1 edit)

And it has been updated now :)

ooh thank you so much, I'm really excited to play it

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yuti can you help me play this mod?

i downloaded yutimod-1.0.3 version

there's a slavery section but i can't progress the story 

can you help me what's the problem?

It looks like the mod is not completing installed, the map should not look like this.
Are you using the steam version of the game?
Have you followed all the steps to install the mods ?
Did you make an install with other mods or just this one ?

Yes i am using steam version 1.1.2

And i think i followed all steps

I just installed this one mod

(2 edits)

For Steam users, the following steps usually resolve this kind of bug :

1. Delete didnapper 2 manually on your PC (delete the folder where the game is installed). Go to the steams folder where didnapper 2 in installed (usually in your programs/Steam/steamapps/common). it's important to not delete it by using Steam, because it will leave few files.
2. reinstall the game by using Steam.
3. Install the mod again and everything should work.

the mod is wonderful, but bugs here: after completing the "The Most Wanted Girl" side-quest, the figures of Seles and Lilianna don't return back...this didn't take place on your videos on Youtube, so how to deal with that?

Interesting, this is the first time this bug is reported so far.
You mean the're still having their bandits skins, or are they invisible or something like that...? Could you maybe post an image?

I restarted the quest again,

they keep their bandits skins with the bindings and the blindfolds after the quest, making it hard to control.

After a battle, they are released from the bindings, but still keep the skins, and changing the equips doesn't make sense.

(1 edit)

Ha, interesting!
It seems you're using the overkill + yuti build, so that's probably a bug only happening on this version, but not on the standalone version of he mod. I'll have a look, thank you!

hello again! This time I only use your mod, but that bug takes place again...

Weird, i just tried on my side and I don't have the bugs.
I may need to see your game logs. I can have a look over it if you contact me on discord.

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